Executive Producers
Mildred Weissman
Don Morris
Producer & Director
Lilly Rivlin
Consulting Producer
Margaret Murphy
Edited By
Pola Rapaport
Associate Editor
Flavia Fontes
Associate Producer
Stefanie Alleyne
Assistant Editor
Stefanie Alleyne
Production Assistant
Rahima Rahi
Chief Researcher
Lisa Flanzraich
Additional Research
Hugh Iglarsh
Madeline Court
Jean Moylan
Jo Freeman
Julie Gaynin
Ashley James
Michael Moser
Emily Wathen
Maggie Snyder
Jonathan Marx
Family Footage
Vanessa Tobis
Katherine Booth
Richard Pooler
Hayden Jackson
Michael Boyle
Online Editing
GLUE Editing & Design
Color Correction & Final Mix
Steve Pequignot
Sound Editing
John Davis
Additional Editing:
Madeline Smith
Music Composed and Performed By
Kyle Casey Chu
Additional Music
“Woman on the Front Line of Justice”
Music by: Kyle Chu
Lyrics by: Eve Zanni
Vocals: Bobby Harden & Eve Zanni
Recording Engineers: Barbaros Baros A. Kaynak
Music Supervisor: Pola Rapaport
“Tsayt Lid, A Call to Arms”
Lyrics by: Nachum Yud
Music by: E. Teytlboyum
(Sung in the last days of the Warsaw Ghetto, Dec. 1942)
Nina Reznick
Historical Consultant
Kathryn Kish Sklar, SUNY Binghamton
Fiscal Sponsor
Women Make Movies
Eugene “Gene” Booth
Paul Booth
Robert Brandon
Bob Creamer
Lisa Donner
Diane Fager
Jo Freeman
Jacky Grimshaw
Rep. Luis Gutierrez
Judy Hertz
Cristina Jimenez
Jackie Kendall
Steve Max
Gregory Moore
Susan Oppenheimer
Alice Palmer
Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Joel Silberman
Jane Silver
Austin “Belali” Thompson
Sen. Elizabeth Warren
McCain Archive at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg
Chicago History Museum
Media Burn Archives
The Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archives of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
and the World Zionist Organization
A Regular Bouquet-Richard Beymer Collection, Washington University Libraries
Buyout Footage
WTTW- Eshed Halpern
Bill Zimmerman- Zimmerman and Markman advertising
SDS Cartoons by Gary Dumm from A Graphic History, Students for a Democratic
Society, by Harvey Pekar, Edited by Paul Buhle
Bruce Orenstein & Bob Hercules
Joseph Dean Tinnin, JoDe Productions
Erik Rist
Jo Freeman
Dick Schneer (black and white home video/childhood)
Dan Drasin
Paul Richards-Estuary Press
Scottish Election Board
National People’s Action- Jacob Swenson-Lengyel
Kathleen Rogers, Earth Day Network
Kimberly Perry
U.S. Holocaust Museum
Jennifer Kotting
Elaine Wessel © CWLU Herstory Project
Jo Freeman
Chuck Berman/Chicago Tribune/TNS
Val Mazzenga/Chicago Tribune/TNS
Jose More/Chicago Tribune/TNS
Thomas Jefferson portrait Courtesy of Independence National Historical Park
Good Free Photos
Ted Polumbaum/Newseum collection
Future Atlas
Bettye Lane Collection- Donna McAlpine
Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University.
Danny Lyon, Magnum Photos
Yad Vashem Photo Archives
Associated Press
University of Chicago
Victor Radivinovski
Penguin Random House
Chicago Review Press
Architecture of Capitol
Heather Booth’s Friends and Family’s Personal Photos