So many of my friends have died are frail or in need in other ways. Jan 17 was the 5th anniversary of the date my life partner Paul died, I went to the gravesite (picture at the top of this Caring Bridge site) with my dear friend Sue Chin–and along with stories about him and other readings, we sang the Phil Ochs song “When I’m Gone.”
“There’s no place in this world I’ll belong when I”m gone.
And I won’t know the right from the wrong when I’m gone.
And you won’t hear me singing on this song when I’m gone.
So I guess I’ll have to do it while I’m here.”
So true for us all.
And recited words from the William Blake poem (that Paul had us recite at our wedding along with our vows) that concludes with, “And we shall build, Jerusalem, in England’s green and pleasant lands.” To build a better world–that was our life commitment (with love at the center). So now is the time to show our love for each other. (Valentine’s Day is approaching.) And the time to organize to build that better world.